Posts Tagged ‘Fashion Show’

What a wonderful way to spent my time on last Saturday in an outstanding fashion show, presented by Allure Inc..

A grand stage, perfectly trained models, a completely well-organized show, I was thrilled…

A real pleasure and a joy to my eyes … The models of Allure Inc. were truly magnificent fashion by sYs Design.

My personal thanks to Nala Kurka and Annough Lykin, the heads of Allure Inc. I´m proud of you bothZwinkerndes Smiley)

And now some of my impressions:

Fashion Show sys 2

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Fashion Show sys

Landmark to the sYs Mainstore

We are proud to show you some pictures of our Envision Models from our last event with the great second life designer azlyn Vaher – YASUM DESIGN

Emerald Yasum 1Emerald Yasum 2

Envision Model EmeraldEyes Honi

Harsch Yasum 1Harsch Yasum 2

Envision Model Harsch Sharktooth

Ipkiss Yasum 1Ipkiss Yasum 2

Envision Topmodel Ipkiss Igaly

Koffie Yasum 1Koffie Yasum 2

Envision Topmodel Koffie Juniper

Melanie Yasum 1Melanie Yasum 2

Envision Model Melanie Sautereau

Men Yasum 1Men Yasum 2

Envision Guest Model Men Dinzel



Live Music- Fashion- Event  by Envision Models, 02-06-2011,  12  p.m. Second life time

Landmark to our Event

Dear fashion and live music  friends,
we invite you to our Live Music- Fashion- Event at Sunday, 02-06-2011,  12 p.m. Second Life Time.
We will present you the great live music singers ACOUSTIC ENERGY and JANICE MILLS together with high quality fashion designs made by YASUM DESIGN (Azlyn Vaher).

Live Musik Fashion Event

Dear fashion friends,
we invite you to our Fashion Show at Sunday, 11-28-2010, 2 p.m. Second Life Time.
We will present you the fashion designs made by Angel Dessous & Purple Moon.

Our Models are wearing the "Tukinowaguma Hairstyles" together with the Asian line made by Angel Dessous.

involved models of the show:

1. Wicca Merlin

2. EmeraldEyes Honi

3. Koffie Juniper

4. Nala Kurka

5. Peachy Pinion

6. Ryanna McAndrews

Fashion Show Sign AD und PM

Tukinowaguma & Envision Show

Landmark to our Fashion Show

We are proud to present you the pictures of our Fashion Show from last weekend.

Our models showed you the hip hop and street wear collection of HooDGirlZ.

The following models were part of our Fashion Show:

tandra Parx (Envision Model)

Arisia Ashmoot (Envision Model)

Ipkiss Igaly (Envision Model)

Violet Batriani (Envision Model)

wolkenlocke Whitfield (Envision Model)

Peachy Pinion (Envision*s 1st Model)

Sarina Renfort (Envision graduated)

Envision Fashion Show- HoodgirlZ 1

Envision Fashion Show- HoodgirlZ 2

Envision Fashion Show- HoodgirlZ 3

Envision Fashion Show- HoodgirlZ 4

Envision Fashion Show- HoodgirlZ 5

Envision Fashion Show- HoodgirlZ 6

Envision Fashion Show- HoodgirlZ 7

Envision Fashion Show- HoodgirlZ 8

Envision Fashion Show- HoodgirlZ 9

Envision Fashion Show- HoodgirlZ 10

And here you will find this great designs !

Last Saturday we organized a sensational fashion show.

 Our models presented the new collection of “Kunglers”.

 Here are some pictures of our show.

 Thanks again to our wonderful models for their excellent work.

                                    Envision Topmodel Wicca Merlin

                          Envision Topmodel Koffie Juniper

                           Envision Model Ryanna McAndrews

                               Envision Model Arisia Ashmoot

                          Envision´s 1st Model Peachy Pinion

                           Envision Model wolkenlocke Whitfield

                          Envision Topmodel Wicca Merlin

                           Envision Topmodel Koffie Juniper

                              Envision Model Arisia Ashmoot

                            Envision´s 1st Model Peachy Pinion

                     Envision Model Ryanna McAndrews

                       Envision Model wolkenlocke Whitfield

And here you will find the way to this great Fashion, made by Kunglers

The Metropolitan Catwalk Models, directed by Envision Models


                                    ” Anubis Style” Fashion Show

You´re very welcome !

                                 Landmark to our Show

Dear friends,
we invite you to our Fashion Show at Saturday,   09/25/2010, 1 PM  Second Life Time.
Our Models will present the newest collection by “Kunglers”.

You´re welcome !

Landmark to the Show