Posts Tagged ‘asian line’

You are my angel the one who looks over me
You are my angel the one who cares for me
You are my angel the one who loves me
You are my angel the one who has beautiful brown eyes
You are my angel the one who has beautiful dark brown hair
You are my angel u will be there when I gets hurt
You are my angel u will be the one that is always on my mind
You are the angel that keeps me breathing
You are the angel of my dreams
You are the angel that keeps me alive
You are my angel that will cheer me up when I´m sad

You are my angel that will love me like a sweet bess
You are my angel that will support me in my bad times
You are You are my loving Angel

Thanks for being my Angel

Angel Dessous….

AD Gloria black raven blog

Angel Dessous Gloria Gown black raven

AD Gloria red rose blog

Angel Dessous Gloria Gown red rose